Contact Us


Our office is dedicated to providing quality service; however, our office cannot provide legal advice. If you are a debtor in need of advice concerning your Chapter 13 case, you must contact your attorney.

PHONE: (501) 374-1572
TOLL FREE: (800) 339-1582

General inquiries:

ePay inquiries:

OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Friday, 7:30 AM - 4:00 PM CST
View Holiday Schedule

Important Information Regarding our Addresses:

There are multiple addresses for our office, so it is very important that you use the correct address when contacting us.

Payment Address : Please click here for all information on plan payments addresses.

Send Correspondence to this address: (Never send payments to this address)
Mark T. McCarty, Chapter 13 Trustee
P.O. Box 5006
North Little Rock, AR 72119