In accordance with U.S. Trustee (UST) policies, the Trustee is conducting all §341 Meeting of Creditors using the Zoom Video conference program.
Prior to the 341 meeting, the following steps should be taken:
- Verify (in advance of the session) that you have downloaded the Zoom application. Also confirm, that you know how to connect via Zoom and have the technological means to do so before the session.
- Parties should navigate to Join Meeting | Zoom, click "JOIN", and enter Meeting ID: 420-639-1037, and Passcode: 4259278730. The same Zoom Meeting ID and Passcode, as well as the date of the Meeting are listed in Section 7 on the Notice of Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Case (Official Form 309I).
- Please use your first and last name as your Zoom login so you can be easily identified and avoid the necessity of renaming you during the session.
- Audio and video will be required to attend the 341 meeting. Inability to access these features may result in the meeting to be rescheduled at a later time.
For additional login information and assistance, read the Instructions for Joining a Zoom § 341(a) Meeting of Creditors. (Instrucciones para unirse a una reunión de la Sección 341(a) por Zoom Reunión de acreedores)
For more detailed meeting information, go to
Best Practices for Debtors, Debtors’ Attorneys, and Other Parties in Interest for Attending Virtual § 341(a) Meetings of Creditors in Chapter 7, 12, and 13 Cases (Buenas prácticas para deudores, abogados de deudores, y otras partes interesadas en asistir a reuniones de acreedores 341(a) virtuales en casos de los capítulos 7, 12 y 13)
To view the U.S. Trustee Program (USTP) helpful videos (including a sample Chapter 13 meeting) go to U.S. Trustee Program | Section 341 Meeting of Creditors | United States Department of Justice.
Upon entering the Zoom meeting, you will be immediately connected to the virtual Waiting Room where the introductory video (see below) will play. Please wait, as someone from the Trustee’s Office will shortly begin check-in by verifying your audio and video are working properly. Once verification is complete, you will be admitted into the meeting.
Please transmit ALL documentation necessary to conduct the §341 Meeting (ex: power of attorney, proof of identification, and social security number) to our secured portal at Bankruptcy Documents ( Documents submitted through the portal are encrypted for security. Please be certain to use the correct Form Type when uploading your documents.
For a list of acceptable ID documents, click English or Spanish.
DO NOT EMAIL or TEXT THE DOCUMENTS TO STAFF as this method is not a secure transmission.
ALL necessary documentation and completed plans must be received at least TWO business days before the meeting is to be conducted. Please ensure the appropriate identification documents are in legible form and in color. If documentation necessary to conduct the §341 Meeting and/or the case is not fully completed, the meeting may be continued until the necessary information is received or filed.
Language interpreter services are available for Debtors at the §341 Meetings. If the Debtor needs the assistance of a language interpreter, please inform the Trustee in advance of the §341 Meeting. The Trustee will contact the language interpreter service, and an interpreter will be provided at no cost to the Debtor.
If a Debtor has a disability, such as a hearing impairment, please contact the Trustee in advance of the §341 Meeting so the Trustee can notify the UST that an accomodation may be necessary. The UST, in consultation with the Debtor and Trustee, will determine the accomodation to be made, if any, such as the use of a sign language interpreter, again at no cost to the Debtor.